
At Senacre Wood Primary School, we recognise that design technology provides pupils with a breadth of knowledge and problem solving skills that will support them in their future and we strive for all our pupils to be resilient and independent designers. Using the national curriculum for design and technology, we aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • Apply their creativity and problem solving skills during lessons.
  • Build on prior knowledge when designing, creating and evaluating their design and technology learning.
  • Make links, and apply knowledge, between design and technology and other subjects, such as mathematics, science and art.
  • Use vocabulary related to design and technology, in order to communicate, explain and ask questions.
  • Feel confident to take risks, and make mistakes in their learning.

For details of how we implement this within our school and how we measure the impact, please read our Design Technology policy. 

Our design and technology curriculum is designed to support our schools values: curiosity, independence, innovation, reflection, resilience, and collaboration. At Senacre Wood Primary School, the pupils enjoy their design and technology lessons, whilst building on a wide range of core skills and values.