Term 3 and 4
As a part of STEM week, Year 6 had the important job of designing and making timers, as the theme of STEM week was 'time', and there was not enough timers for the school to use! The pupils selected their own materials, which included plastic bottles and straws to ensure the timers were stable and fit for purpose.
At the end of January, Sycamore class dived into some cooking and nutrition. They worked in groups to make wartime recipes, which included classics such as toad in the hole and cottage pie, as well as some ration friendly surprise potato balls!
The pupils completed research on what meals were suitable for wartime, and then chose what recipes they wanted to cook. They followed the recipe, then worked collaboratively to cook up their wartime meals. The dishes were then enjoyed and devoured!
"I think ours needed more cheese and a bit longer to cook." Yolanda Y6
During Year 4's 'Electricity' enquiry, Willow class had a go at being electricians! They used bulbs, wires and batteries to make complete circuits, which were then assembled into a torch made from materials. The children investigated how to make their torches shine brighter, and made their own switches using split pins and paper clips.
At the start of term 4, Beech class used their learning from history to make the most protective castle. They used their cutting skills to make battlements and some children made doors that could open or be covered by a portcullis. Castles were decorated to show that they were made of bricks, with some children adding tin foil to show where we needed metal to make it stronger. To add the towers, the children had to think about their joining skills.