Autumn Term
We are Authors
-Complete in depth annotated marking of written work as per the policy.
-Heavy use of ‘mistakes’ modelling of correction of grammatical errors through cloze exercises and in games in discrete GPS lessons.
-Allow children time to take care over their work.
-Child proof reads their own and others work for errors with a big expectation by ability.
–Read and respond to in depth annotated marking by teacher. They will focus on self-esteem and other’s feelings when correcting.
-Not rely on an adult to be the first person to check their work.
Spring Term
We are editors
- Attend editing training for staff in December.
-Ensure that editing lessons form the first 3 or so lessons in Term 3 with an editing lesson becoming part of the planning overseen by MC.
-Incorporate a heavy use of visualiser, modelling, choice based changes for KS1 pupils.
-Continue to look carefully for errors in their own work
-Consider work to be unfinished, always.
-Change their learning behaviour to address their new role as editors.
-Independently move onto editing their own written work in other subjects as well as English, where appropriate.
Summer Term
We are publishers
- Make sure that editing is now part of the process and children who review work as they write or add things in later are praised and work is modelled, proof reading is natural
-editing is integrated into every lesson and is not just used a stand-alone direction to HA children who have finished.
- [KS2 children] be good models for revision of paragraphs.
-Use the drop every line technique in extending writing to leave space for additions.
-Publish paragraphs of work where a real difference in revisions can be seen.