If your child is at primary school and you want to move them to a different school in Kent, you will need to submit an In Year Admissions Form. Senacre Wood Primary School has the following criteria for admission :-
- Looked after child who is either in the care of a local authority or b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions at the time of making an application to a school.
- Sibling Link - children with a brother or sister in Senacre Wood Primary School where the family live at the same address, within a 2 mile distance of the school. (Siblings include adopted siblings, stepbrothers, sisters, foster brothers/sisters).
- Health and Special Access: Medical, health, social and special access reasons will be applied in accordance with the school’s legal obligations, in particular those under the Equality Act 2010. Priority will be given to those children whose mental or physical impairment means they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school. Equally this priority will apply to children whose parents’/guardians’ physical or mental health or social needs mean that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school. Such claims will need to be supported by written evidence from a suitably qualified medical or other practitioner who can demonstrate a special connection between these needs and the particular school.
- Distance - children living nearest the school will be given the highest priority after the aforementioned criteria.
We may have spaces in some year groups, for more information, please call the School Office on 03000 658430.
If you want to apply for a place at Senacre Wood Primary School, you must complete an In Year Admission Form. You need to fill in a separate form for each child you want to apply for. Once you have applied, as there is no guarantee that we will have a space available for your child, you should not remove them from their current school before you are sure they have been accepted.