This year, we are launching the new role of Digital Leaders. Our digital leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of technology throughout the school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.
As part of the process, pupils were provided with an application to complete which also included a job description detailing some of their responsibilities-
Mrs McKenzie was amazed with the number of applications to be a digital leader. It is clear, you are all very passionate about the role and should be very proud of the hard work which you put into the applications.
It was very difficult for her to choose but we are pleased to announce the following pupils are our digital leaders for this academic year -
Year 3 - Daisy and Riley
Year 4- David O and Alex
Year 5 - Beth and Otneil
Year 6 - Daniel and Akshiya
In Term 1, we had a meeting to present you with your badges, discuss the role and learn about some of the exciting tasks that we have to complete in our new role.