Eight amazing facts about oak trees | LiveMore YHA


On this page, you can read about the staff working with your children, what our day looks like in Oak class and find useful information for supporting your child at home. This term, we will be undertaking a series of baseline activities to gain an understanding of your child's starting points. These pages will be updated regularly. You will also find photographs of your children in class!


We have nearly reached the end of our learning journey! We have had a wonderful year, growing and developing. In our last term together, we will be recapping all the amazing things we've learnt to do, whilst reminiscing on special times we've shared together as a class. This term, we have lots of exciting things to look forward to, including our first sports day at Senacre Wood, transition days into Year 1, our trip to Reculver Bay and we are also working towards a water day with ice cream!

Year R Meet the Teacher